Fabio Lugaro

Music Recommendations

As music is an inspiration for my photography, I'd like to recommend you some of my favourite artists.

Here is a list in alphabetical order.

*    *    *

The 49 Americans
Art Ensemble Of Chicago
Albert Ayler
Derek Bailey
Steve Beresford
Anthony Braxton
Peter Brötzmann
John Cage
John Cale

Captain Beefheart
Ornette Coleman
John Coltrane
Tony Conrad
Alvin Curran
Miles Davis
The Ex
John Fahey
Gastr Del Sol

G.d.I. Nuova Consonanza
Haruomi Hosono
Steve Lacy
Thelonious Monk
Ennio Morricone
Charlemagne Palestine
Evan Parker

Charley Patton
Sun Ra
Lou Reed
Raymond Scott
Cecil Taylor
David Toop
Scott Walker
Otomo Yoshihide
Frank Zappa
John Zorn

Any questions? Contact me.

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